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STEM bro

An overly confident dude with a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) degree.

Whilst the STEM bro is well-versed in all matters related to investment and performance nutrition, his understanding of all things politics, sociology, arts and culture is sorely lacking. A STEM bro's views on society are often a mere and never-to-be-questioned reflection of his privilege, which he is naturally unaware of.

His confidence carries out to all possible conversation topics, even those he knows nothing about. He is also prone to making obnoxious references to his earning potential.

This guy just wouldn't hear it when I told him his cringy fetish for a particular racial type women was socially contructed and rooted in colonial stereotypes. He was just such a STEM bro.

Marcia's new boyfriend is cute and all, but he's kind of a STEM bro so don't expect riveting conversation about Roe Vs Wade.

by egggn May 19, 2023