THE GomightyBjis of The LIVING BeJrooOOm the ONE THAT is better then the otherS better in POWER AND THE BeJrOOoomun BeiNG's HISTORY of knowledge and wisdom RULER and INVENTOR OF ALL BeJrOOoomun BEING's AND rELBJALOOD rELBJALUD RELBJrALOOD RELBJrALUD RULER OF THE LIVING BeJrooOOmS AND THE No LIFE BeJrooOOmS.BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD JUNIOR.
I am THE SUPREME BeJrooOOM BEING of all BeJrOOoomun BeiNG's AND RELBJrALOOD.BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD JUNIOR.