the most successful PEDOPHILE created by STEPHEN CRAIG PADDOCK.
In POLYANNA HALEY MILLS put syrup in her friends hair as she slept.
HAWKS GAY SPA , let's a 15 year young boy in.
to prove ALAN I WALDMAN in the PONNI SAN MATEO MENTAL HOSPITAL forced , gave a RIMJOB to a guy on the WHEELCHAIR who was hungry for syruponeverything as under my pillow in my bedroom I found SYRUP stickiness where the SYRUP PEDOPHILE was trained by the SYRUPMONKEY on the 43rd FLOOR of MANDALAY BAY countless times been molested by a PEDOPHILE as a child and my sticky love engine convinced him to COME TO MY BED as we were roommates as he became mine and RIMMED THE SHIT out of his ASSH0LE as STEPHEN CRAIG PADD0CK PADDICK issued the POSTUMOUS HUNGRY GHOST as I had GOT BUDDAH FUCKED ORDERS. as SHIT ASSH0LE PED0PHILE ANAL ALAN as Industry ALAWANA did his SUCK DICK molestation TRAUMA duty.
you kidding me ALAN I WALDMAN as you were FIVE YEARS YOUNG and that evolved you into a SYRUP PEDOPHOLE .
here comes ALAN I WALDMAN so this FIFTEEN YEAR YOUNG boy is laying down in this a little darker quiet area in HAWKS GAY SPA on his stomach and this SYRUP PEDOPHILE comes along and starts RIMMING HIS ASSH0LE and he says STOP!!!! but STEPHEN CRAIG PADD0CK HUNGRY GHOST who is a big SPORTS FAN says enjoy your PEDOPHILIA SHIT ASSH0LE PEDOPHILE as LAWRRENCE EDWARD (PAGE) would not have it any other I had (MA)CA(R)ONIAND CHEESE today as G00GLE MEAL three hours old but WARMRD UP as COMMUNIST PROMISCUOUS PROSTITITE DOG ALAN I WALDMAN runs into 7-ELEVEN and warms up his PULLED PORK CHICKEN MEAL as nice G00GLER who gave the meal to me with PAGE.PEDO compliments.