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Noun. The hard-to-define mix of symptoms such as sadness, disappointment, disillusionment, and eventually anger, that affects anti-gay activists and organizations (in particular, NOM - the National Organization for Straights-Only Marriage) when they have to put out yet another press release explaining why they have lost another battle against marriage equality, and, increasingly, against anything that is pro-gay rights.

Cases of the sadz have grown dramatically since 2012, when "teh gayz" finally started winning at the ballot box and several states enacted marriage equality laws. Individuals affected with the sadz rarely (if ever) recover; instead, they use the sadz as a tool to ask for more and more donations from unsuspecting marks, including promises that "with your generous contribution we are going to win next time!".

- I just heard that Illinois and Hawaii passed marriage equality!
- That's great! Did NOM put out a statement yet?
- Yeah .. Another severe case of the sadz though!

by GinPS November 14, 2013

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