After studying the vertigo-inducing range of lunchbreak subs (e.g. Taleggio, pine nut, grapefruit and rocket) - the overworked mind generally opts for less hostile territory. Picking an uncool, but boot-filling standby - (e.g. cheese).
Jim: Hey Bob, you gotta try this sun-dried octopus on flax-seed crostini. And it's only eight bucks fifty!
Bob: Nah man, I'm set with my safety-net sub.
Jim: (*shrugs*)
Bob: Ham.
After scanning the vertigo-inducing range of lunchbreak subs (e.g. Taleggio, pine nut, grapefruit and rocket) - the confused mind generally opts for friendlier territory. Picking an uncool, but boot-filling standby - (e.g. cheese).
Jim: Hey Bob, you gotta try this sun-dried octopus on flax-seed crostini. And it's only eight bucks fifty!
Bob: Nah man, I'm set with my Safety-net sub .
Jim: (*shrugs*)
Bob: Ham.