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1:what u point and yell at someone or something that is either gross, ugly, unusual, chat, random etc
2:describing some one or sumthing thats chat, odd etc

1: (old man with a huge beer gut 4 eyes and 10 arms is staring at u)you point and yell (very loudly) with a disgusted look on ur face SAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
2:omg that ho is such a sah

by fuck off u sah hahaha January 14, 2005

11👍 17👎


When one needs an extra little time with his lover, and is on an extremely tight leash, he will call his father and shout Gus-sahh! Once his father hears this plea, he will submit to his request.

Bishoy: "ring, ring," (bishoy calling dad)

Father: "hello?"

bishoy: "GUS-SAHH"!!!

Father: "ofcourse I understand"

by EZ B February 17, 2009

1👍 3👎


Acronym for Stay At Home Husband.

Girl to friend: "My SAHH prepared the best lunch for me today before I left for work today.".

by August 14, 2023

Sahh Dude

A pot heads way of saying hello

Sahh Dude, I'm at the park.

by A Guy420 April 4, 2017

Sahh Dude

Pot heads way of saying Hello

Sahh Dude, I'm at the park.

by A Guy420 April 4, 2017