Used of Marines for someone who is very experienced at their job and/or who has been enlisted for a long time.
also see salty
"Grandpa was with those salt dogs that took Iwo Jima."
"The guys who took Fallujah were some salt dogs!"
83👍 17👎
An overly salty person who expresses his saltiness through reckless and illogical acts.
Literally an dog/animal.
Person 1: Hey man! Look at you over there, sweating your ass off! (After losing)
Person 2: (Laughs) Salt Dog!
17👍 18👎
Being in such a depressed state that you lube your own hand with the saltiness of your tears for masturbation
Man that torta dumped me so i was saltin my dog all night.
Salt your dog bro
9👍 1👎
When you cum in a girl’s mouth and the she spits it back onto your dick.
When she started salting the dog, I knew she was the one.