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An adjective used to describe a person named Sam who is an all around awesome person and great to be around. He/she makes everyone else around totally jealous, but its ok because they have so much more fun when Sam's there. Generally the life of any party and usually very attractive.

Tim: Dude! Have you met that new girl Sam? She's freakin awesome!

Jack: Yeah, man, she's pretty samazing.

Jessica: Who does that Sam girl think she is? She's always smiling and having so much fun! I can't stand her!
Amanda: Don't hate because she's so much cooler than you. You're just jealous because you'll never be samazing like her.

by Shabooboo.dude March 7, 2010

22👍 5👎


Someone who is always there to bring you joy and lighten up your day, but give also constructive criticism and point out promises made but not fulfilled.

and that's a rap...!
Sameeya my dear don't ever need you fear
You be there to lend an ear and always help me steer... right..!

Till the day is through help is always near
I just pick up da phone, don't wanna hear no drone, just an up beat voice no video clone, sameeya everytime, sameeya she doesn't wine

Sameeya is the girl dat makes us feel fine
Bottom line.... wasup peace... WORD..

Wow that samazing simplicity with elegance..

by Rt massive December 9, 2019


This is a level of bliss one only gets one chance at! It's as if the whole world bowed at your feet and gazed into your soul with HER mesmerizing eyes and smiles with the intent of agape level love.

If you don't know Samazing, you don't know true passion!

by Nonshalonster August 28, 2023