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sand trap

a vagina with sand in it

i hooked with this chic in the desert and her sand trap fucked my shit up

by chubs February 18, 2005

66๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

sand trap

When you're banging a chick on the beach, Throw sand in her eyes, thereby blocking her from seeing the facial she's about to receive..

While fucking Betty I took a handful of sand and blinded her right before shooting all over her face...

by Fire January 16, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

sand trap

The area between your a hole and your sack where things occasionally get stuck, hence the sand trap. Items often found lurking in the sand trap include lint, stray hairs, and occasionally dingle berries. Sand trap also referred to as the grundle.

Check out what I just found in my sand trap bros.

by Dro s November 7, 2007

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Sand Trap

A place inconducive to upgrading your life.
A place you grow up, but can't seem to leave, irregardless that your life is going nowhere.

I had to get out of Manteca, CA because it's a sand trap.

by MadamexXx March 3, 2009

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Sand Trap

(n)p A name given to a golfer of little to no skill. Often found splashing about a greenside bunker like a Phat kid in a paddle pool.

Jay : "Geez, those 9 shots in the bunker on the 5th killed my round completely"

Johnny : Your time will come young Sand Trap, Oh Yes... Your time will come.

Jay : SMB!

by Puddles31845 February 5, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sand Trap

You find a girl and take her down the beach. You fuck her and then you dump your man paste inside of her, kick sand in her face, and run like hell, never to be seen or heard from ever again.

I found this chick at the club, took her down to the beach, and gave her the sand trap.

by TheRAV May 11, 2005

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Mouth Sand-Trap

When one chokes from having cotton mouth after eating dry ass Austin Toasty Crackers with Penut Butter. (Usually when no water is present)

Those crackers Joe gave me were a mouth sand-trap and I almost died because I had no water and a severe cotton mouth.

by Jd__Cg March 3, 2016