When you go to a young peoples group and they act friendly and passive aggressive about you being in their presence. You have never met them, but they disliked you before that. So they talk gossip behind your back for no reason at all, then they ignore you. You really wanted to meet young people your age but they shut you down for being slightly different and more comfortable and friendly then them. So they gossip and spread lies and rumors and then blame you for being crazy and mean.
Ron: I went the young peoples group yesterday
Jess: the one that is full of bratty stuck up and clique turd brains?
Ron: yes. I was outgoing and optomistic but they shut me down anyways
Jess: damn dude, you got Sarasota'd
When you go to a young peoples meetup group and it turns out to be over run by retirees with grey hair. They do not like being called old. They prefer young and fun. So they allow you to stay as long as you volunteer to be their slave. You cook them food, serve them drinks, ladel their soup, shine their shoes, wax their little red sport cars, and rub their moldy feet for a nickle per hour.
Joe: last night I went to the young peoples networking event on meetup
Kelly: oh yeah how did that go?
Joe: it was advertised for young people but it was sea of grey hair except for me
Kelly: aw man you got Sarasota'd