A phenomenon where an introverted, shy, insecure person starts an unhealthy relationship with an extroverted, promiscuous, outgoing person.
These types of relationships, usually almost impossible to see, are only birthed when one of the parties is at a low point in their lives, and overall tend to happen because of one out of two reasons:
a. The extroverted party utilizes the loner as an easy way to obtain affection or sex, as they know the introvert is vulnerable and affection-starved.
b. The introverted party utilizes the socialite as an easy way to obtain affection or sex, as they know the extrovert is vulnerable and heartbroken.
Regardless, the nature of these relationships is inherently incompatible, incoherent, imbalanced, and manipulative, and thus always ends quickly (or lasts in a forced manner because of one-sided pressure from either of the parties involved).
The name of this phenomenon is named after the city of Saratov, Russia, infamous with surrounding locals for its promiscuous women and nerdy men.
A: "Have you seen that Joe is going out with Brittany? How is that possible? Brittany is so cute and Joe is ugly as sin!"
B: "It's just the Saratov effect, bro. Brittany had broken up with Chad when she took an interest in Joe."
A: "Yeah, they'll probably break up in no time..."