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Scene Kids.

1. Ohkayy so scene is just a category/ label/ sterotype thingg. You can dress however the fuck you want. If someone dresses like you, you both have the same tastes in fashion. It's really not a big deal. They aren't really a poser.

2. Mmk so "scene kids"

- Have cool/ bigg/ dyed/ layered or choppy hair.
- As long as it's not too boring and not flat it's good.^
- Wear skinny jeans or tight straight legs.
- Like colors.
- Also like black and white.
- Love clothes and shoes.
- Love concerts/ shows.
- Like piercings and tatoos and sometimes gauges.
- Like photography or fashion.
- Like music...alot, as do other people.
- Like dancing and partying.
- Can or not be straight edge.
- Does not matter if you like Dinosaurs and Pokemon.
- Usually wear hard to copy things. (No one scene or not likes a copy cat.)
- Shop online, at the mall, garage sells, markets, etc.

- Doesn't HAVE to be vintage like.
- Skinny fits are well liked..if you've got the body.
- Are not limited to just screamo and electric and techno sounds.
- Don't always like The Devil Wears Prada and BMTH
- Aren't always stuck up assholes who are extremly conceided.

- Aren't as stupid and foolish as you think.
- Just want to be themselves without being judged.
- Want to be noticed and have A LOT of friends.
- Not always attention whores.
- Like myspace, vampire freaks, stickam.
- Love pictures and making videos.
- Like makeup and nail polish. (mostly girls)
- Just wanna have fun.
- Aren't ALWAYS judging.
- Can be rude and think they'er better then you but so can anyone else with an ego and confidnce.
- Can be the nicest people and funest you will meet.
- Usually very open minded and wild to a point.
- Not always vegan/ vegetarian, though it would be a good thing to be. ( Save the animals.!)

3. Everyone has there own thing. Whether it came from their head or the internet or the tv it's still your own thing.
Everyone has or will copy at least one person in their lifetime. Styles and music are always changing. You may think someone copied you but mabey they just discovered it when you did or before you knew them. Mabey they think you copied them. They might not have even noticed you have or did it. You could never know just because you are too mad that the "poser" stole your look or the look you had a few months ago. You could be missing out on a great person just because you were quick to judge and decided not to like them when they probaly haven't even done anything to you but wear/ listen to something you have or love or hate. Whatever the case. And for you homophobes, go fuck your selves. People think it's super hot or funny or cute when the oppistite sex kisses the same sex, but when your own sex kisses the same sex you shun them. Not cool. It's super dumb. You definatly CANNOT help who you're attractied to. And not all scenes are gay or bi. Being scene isn't so much about being orginal anymore. That is just you trying to be yourself. Now "scene" is about being as close to perfect as you can get. Creating looks and art/ fashion/photography with own body that is amzingly beautiful and breath taking. Getting everyone you can to like or at least look at you in a good way. It's about being orginal some I'm not gunna lie. If you look the same as your friends you all or whoever joined your crew last will be labled a poser. Indivduality is the key to any look though. Scenes try to look better then everyone else, probaly why they say or other people think they say they're the shit. They try to look as hot or as cute as they can be while still looking badass and cool and not super slutty.


Posers.! Unless you actually know the person you'er talking about, like you reallly know them. Don't use the fucking word poser. I have been called this sooooo many times. And each time I ask them how I'm a poser they don't know what to say and shut their mouths. Or they look around for a while thinking and come up with "Umm you just are" Why I ask. " Because you are and I said so." Idiot. If you are going to say shit back it up. Ohh or they say you listen to shit. But Everyone has their own opinion in music. Even my best best friends and I disagree on on bands. Though we usually don't..

You should only call a person a poser or think they somewhat are if..

- They go on and on about how they're sooo hardcore and scene.
- They don't like hardcore music and they say they're hardcore. ( stuff like BMTH and TDWP aren't that hardcore.)
- They change their look alot.
- Like dressing in all black fer a month then Hollister and Abercombie and then tight clothes and bright colors. Then wearing pacsun for a while and dressing scene then asking you if you like them better which wayy.
- You have to be careful about that though they might just be deciding what they like fer real, and not trying on looks and whateverr.

- They are ranting on about their new found gayness.
- Like bragging and making it extremly known.
- They make it known that they are scene.
- They lable themselves.
- They buy everything to do with the sterotype (bows, headbands, skinnies, bright eyemakeup, dyes, etc.)
- They are suddenly into "scene" things. ( Hellokitty, DropDead, InvaderZim, lots of eyeliner, Babycakes, screamo and elctric music, etc.)
- They change their music completely and quickly.
- Only talk to other scenes.
- Copy everthing you and your friends do.
- Never has their own opinion.
- Changes when you change.

Person: Oh my god, did you see those kids.?!
Dood: Yeahh that guy was wearing skinny jeans and the girl was wearing a lot of eyeliner.
Person: SCENE KIDS.!

Scene 1: Ohh my goshh.! We just got invited to Rachel's party.!

Scene2 : Yayyyy.!:D
Lets go get ready I'll plug in my straightener.

Scene 1 : Ohkayy I'm gunna post my nw pic on myspace and turn on some music. Yayy.!! We get to party again tonight.!XD

Scene 2: I hope theirs hot people there, can I wear your new jeans.?

Scene 1: My new black skinnies?...I was gunna wear them. You can wear my pink or gray ones.

Scene 1: Ughh Becky is wearing the same shirt I got yestrday. I didn't even get to wear it yet.! Everyone is gunna think I'm copping her. I hate her.!!

Scene 2: Haha it looks better on you though and you have cuter jeans, that poser's still wearing flares. Ewwww.!

Scene 3: Flares are ugly but if she likes them, it doesn't really make her a poser. She's doing her own thing and she's brave for not caring that their not in anymore.

Scene 2: Ohhkayyy.? Well any wayys..I mean does she even listen to that band.?

Scene 1: Ughh I guess it doesn't really matter, I'm still gunna wear my shirt tomarrow. And I'll wear my cute jacket too.:) Mmm at least she has somee good tastes in fashion...


Scene Gurl: Ohh I really like this.
Scene Gurl 2: Yeahh me too.!
Poser girl: We should start wearing those.
Scene Gurl: Yeahh.!:D
Scene Boy: You guys look hot in those.
Poser girl: Mmhmm we do.!

Scene gurl 2: God I could bang you yer so hot.!
Scene Gurl: Hahah. Yeahh to bad I'm straight..
Poser gurl: Wait yer gay.?
Scene gurl 2: Hell yeahh. Well I'm bi.
Scene boy: And it is soo hot.!
Poser: Haha I'm bi too. Umm will you come with me, there's this new hardcore CD I wanna look at that Brook was talking about today.
Scene Boy: Yeahh she's hardcore, your hardcore..that's so scene.
Poser gurl: Yeahh.! I am scene totally hot huhh.?! (walks to Cds and all laugh behind her.)

by I'mSickofThisShit. July 6, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

Typical Scene Chick:
-Choppy short hair.
-Usually black however blonde and lots of 'strange' colors are used to make themselves look 'unique.
-Bandana in hair.
-Bows are popular
-Heavy make up, usually around the eyes, sparkles are quite common.
-Fake moles have been spotted.
-Tries to pull of Vintage look
-Usually really hot. But, we haven't seen them with out make up so this is questionable.
-Dates only scene boys.
Typical Scene Boy:
-Long bangs usually covering eyes.
-Usually, black or different colors such as orange, red, blue, purple ect.
-Make up, usually centered around the eyes. Eye shadow, black usually pink or purple.
-Tight pants, extremely tight band shirt. Sometimes a too tight jacket.
-Usually DAMN sexy, however they do tend to be full of themselves and unfriendly to anyone they deem unworthy or not in the scene.
-Dates scene chicks. However may branch out to preps.
Both sexes:
-Over 100 friends.
-Girl pants.
-Thinks they're not conformist.
-May or may not be straight edge

Scene kids usually go to local shows have extremly tight groups. They may be there for the music but usually they are there for the social time. Scene kids are usually very picky about who they talk to and associate with. If they deem you cool they may go up to you and talk to you and act as if they've known you for years.

(At a show)
(Group of scene kids)
(Unknown girl tries to approach)
(They take one look at her say hi and walk away quickly.)

by Alixes April 17, 2006

3097๐Ÿ‘ 1012๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

Your typical scene kid, guy or girl, will either have black hair, or some insane color, or just crazy streaks, with a shock of bangs covering up one eye or both. Hair MUST be dead straight. Sometimes it's poofy-spiked in the back, whatever u call it. Pretty much just the white kids follow the hair trend. Or girls of other ethnicities. I do NOT recommend this part to black guys. Ever seen one with long hair and a poof in the bag? WITH a shock of bangs and crazy hair color? Not the best visual I assume.

Guys will typically have on extremely tight skinny jeans, sometimes girls jeans, with a really tight fitting band t-shirt and bracelets. The jeans usually aren't flares or bootcuts, but straight-leg pencil jeans.

Girls will normally have on the same thing or funky outfits that won't match but will go together. Typical outfit will consist of a polka-dot or striped shirt with a band hoody and they will have on sometimes skirts with crazy leggings. Lots of leggings. They will wear little kid barrettes and bows, bright eyeshadow, the hugest sunglasses in the world, and strands of pearls/beads. Oh and handbands are a MUST.

A lot of scene chicks will wear no namebrand clothing and then have a really expensive designer bag.

Definately a cool belt, sometimes the buckle worn on the side, like on the hip.

Straight-Edge(no smoking, no drinking) & being Christian & being a vegetarian is really popular. I never knock straight-edge. Even though it's become a trendy thing, at least it promotes good health.

Saying omgzzzz & rawr & bikthx (I don't know why either).

Both guys and girls will wear loads of eyeliner and Converse chucks or Vans.

They're favorite pastime is of course going to lots of shows, and doing it up on MySpace. Most people consider scene kids to be MySpace whores, because they will add any and everyone just to get their friends count up (they're not the only ones tho!). Will have a gazillion photos of themselves photoshopped, covering their mouth, throwing up peace signs, doing the pigeon toe, holding the camera up in the air, them and one of their friends putting their faces together while smiling and looking down with their bangs all in their face,kissing the mirror, or holding their knees & looking down as though to say that they're sad. They'll give their pictures random titles that make no sense, just makes them sound deep. Tend to come off either overly depressed when they're more than likely not, or they'll seem incredibly conceited, vain, and arrogant. Most aren't that way, they just do it because everyone else is. There are some cool/nice ones though.

They're typical username on Myspace will have to do with they're favorite band/song or just death/suicide. Will normally have brackets around things or lots of X's. Scene kids have the most awesome pages on Myspace AND the most "friends". A lot of them will use words like Terror,Strange, & Suicide in their names. Ex: Travis Terror, or Emily Suicide. They also like to use the copyright and trademark symbols.

A lot of them wear bandanas around their necks or around their head or even covering their face. They use old slang like rad and stellar. And old hip hop/urban slang no one uses anymore, like fashizzle & fosho. They like to call each other nigga, nikka, nukka. Obsessed with robots and dinosaurs.

They like to say random silly offthewall things that make no sense, but to them it's helarious.

A vast majority of scene kids are bisexual or gay. For most it's just part of the trend that they're following. For others who ARE bi/gay, it's a way for them to fit in and make friends.

Part of the trend is random making out with someone of the same sex, in front of large crowds. I don't get this either, but hey it's what they do. Kinda hot sometimes when it's guys. I'm just sayin......

That's it. That's a scene kid for you. Don't knock the scene kids. I mean they're not going around knocking the hip hop kids or the preps. A scene kid will not interfere with your lifestyle, so, don't interfere with theirs.

See above for an example of a Scene Kid. Shit my fingers hurt.

by SceneChickHere.NowGetURHateOn July 21, 2006

2817๐Ÿ‘ 960๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

A label of young people that has become more prominent in use over the past decade. Scene kids are usually aged 14 โ€“ 21. Sometimes older or younger. Scene kids older than 20 are commonly referred to as scenesters.

Scene kids are often mistaken for emo kids- and while there are many similarities there are also many differences. When emo music first became trendy in the 80s and 90s, โ€˜emotionally hardcoreโ€™ teenagers would go to these emo concerts. Today, emo music is still popular, and because scene kids go to โ€˜hardcoreโ€™ shows, they too often attend these concerts, and others will see them in the crowd with emo kids, and think that they are emo as well, as the two groups influence each other. (Thus, emo hair is popular with scene kids, and band t-shirts popular with emos). The term โ€˜emoโ€™ is also often abused to the extent that many people categorize emo and scene as the same.

Scene kids are obsessed with Hello Kitty, dinosaurs, little kiddy things, and bright colors. Theyโ€™re usually nice people, but will be offended if you call them โ€˜emoโ€™. Some also do not like to be called scene, or labeled at all. Scene kids will often give the impression that they think that theyโ€™re better than everyone else, but it depends on the person. They are best friends with their iPod, computer and cell phone. Many people do not like scene kids because they think that they are unoriginal and all look the same, and are trying too hard, or are annoying, or unattractive. While this is true in some cases, it is ironic that most โ€˜normalโ€™ people also dress similarly to each other, and scene kids will think that โ€˜normalโ€™ people are not as attractive as themselves. In many places there is a mutual hate between scenes kids and non-scene kids for these reasons.

The aim of a scene kid is to get 1039289482 friends on Myspace and go to all the local shows. They are obsessed with music. They usually listen to bands like Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco and From First to Last. Their tastes vary however, many listen to pop or rap as well, but screamo and rock are generally the most popular alongside metal, and such; anything hardcore, that 'normal' people don't listen too. 'FerSure' is their theme song. Local shows are one of the most important parts of being a scene kid, that's why they're called 'scene' kids. They're part of the music scene. The less well known the venue/band is, the better- as long as they're good, of course. :

Scene kids are EXTREMELY vain. The most important part of their appearance is their hair. Girls will usually have a straight fringe, or more commonly an emo fringe swept to the side with cross clips. It will be wildly teased and their style icon looks like an electrocuted dead animal. Extensions are very popular, as well as clip in extensions of assorted colors. Scene hair is usually blonde or black with other colored sections or streaks. Often they will tiger stripe part of their hair. Unnatural colors such as blue and pink are very popular. Boys will also have either a side fringe or a flat fringe. It is generally shorter than a girl's hair, but will be equally as teased. Also note that the hair of both sexes must be dead straight. Curls or waves of any shape or form are unacceptable. Girls (and sometimes guys) will wear brightly colored clips or bows in their hair. They usually cut and dye their hair themselves, or get a friend to help.

The makeup is also crucial. Boys sometimes wear make up too. This usually only consists of black eyeliner and red eye shadow. For girls, the eyes are the main focus. They wear neon/bright colored eye shadows, or sometimes a dark black. The main idea is to not hold back on the make up. They wear an excessive amount of black eyeliner as well. False eyelashes are not that uncommon too. They often use the โ€˜wingโ€™ effect of the eye shadow, or will draw Egyptian โ€˜flicksโ€™ with eyeliner. Sometimes even draw in eyelashes with eyeliner. Point is, the first thing you notice about a scene girl is her eyes.

As far as clothing goes, this is the point where scene kids are often mistaken for emos. Fashion for scene kids is diverse, differing from location to location. Popular articles of clothing include skinny jeans, band t-shirts, studded belts (usually a white triple or double pyramid belt) ballet-like skirts, leggings, hoodies, fishnets or other wacko designed stockings, hobo-gloves, bright colors, zebra or leopard prints, skulls and polka dots are also popular. For jewelry, more is more. Strings of beads and pearls are essential. Rainbow beads are widespread; they sometimes wear cuffs or checkerboard sweatbands, and rings on girls. Shoes are equally as important. Girls will most often wear round-toed ballet flats, brands are also important when it comes to shoes. So keds and converse flats are popular. Converse all stars, vans, and DCs are what male scene kids generally get around in. The typical male scene shoe is the b/w checkerboard classic slip on vans shoe. Girls usually prefer the fandango colored one. Sorry for being too specific. >_>

Scene kids are known for being super hyper. They make friends quickly and easily. Some partner up well, but others seem to have fan bases of hundreds and jump around from partner to partner quite rapidly. Smoking is widely accepted through the scene community, whist a handful are straight edge, the majority of others will smoke socially. Scene kids who are straight edge will wear a bandana in their hair, the others will wear one around their neck, or sometimes tied to their pocket or bag; however, many non-straight edge scene kids will still wear a bandana in their hair. Piercings and tattoos are common. The most popular are snakebites, which boys have more commonly than girls, who usually only get a lip ring on one side. A monroe piercing is common too, as well as a septum piercing or a side nose ring. Eyebrows are uncommon but still accepted, as well as an anti-brow. Boys often have plugs, this is not as common with females, some scene kids also have industrials and navel piercings. Tattoos vary widely, however, stars on the hips and wrist are very popular.

All in all, scene is just a trend. Itโ€™s the same as being a prep or a skater. There are numerous exceptions to whatโ€™s written above. Hating all scene kids, or saying that all scene kids are hot or all look the same, is a large generalization, the same as saying that all blondes look the same, or that all Asians look the same- itโ€™s just not true in all cases.

"She's so scene."
"He is a scene kid."
"My sister is a scenester."

by xMollie July 27, 2007

342๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene kid

scene kid = boy/girl. usually seen wearing neon colors w/ black. leopard and/or zebra print obsessed. hair colored at least 2 different colors and cut at different angles. male scene kids usually try to attain over 500 friends on myspace and post pictures up of themselves making out with other boys. female scene kids just ADORE neon colored eye shadow and wear one thousand layers of eyeliner. hair of both sexes is usually parted to the side.

see picture puhleeeeese.

by September April 12, 2005

4117๐Ÿ‘ 1775๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

Kids who have conformed to non-conformity. They claim to be anti-conformist and anti-mainstream, however this style is slowly BECOMING mainstream as more and more kids conform to it. The style derives from emo, and may even be mistaken as such. The bands that once had been really obscure and previously unheard of are now popular names. An overwhelming number of kids are conforming to this because it is the 'in' thing, and as such it is losing its very identity as anti-conformity.

Emo kid: I'm anti-conformist, no one understands me

Group of scene kids: lets all be anti-conformist too!

by BLKLJSF March 11, 2007

183๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kid

usually between the ages of 14-18. They are an interesting species. a typical scene kid will claim to love cupcakes, diamonds, hello kitty and basically anything shiny or pink.

Photography is a big thing in a scene kids world. they often write in their 'about me' sections on myspace that they want to be a photographer and prove how good they are at photography by posting pictures they took, usually consisting of an inanimate object (mostly cupcakes) in black and white.

all scene kids strive to be internet famous just like their heroes (Audrey Kitching, Jeffree Star etc) and thrive on being the cause of internet drama and love when people start rumours about them so they can bitch about that person and make bulletins bad mouthing them.

They have a "dont fuck with me" kinda attitude and admit to being shallow and arrogant and always claim to not give a shit of what people think of them when really thats all they care about.

screen names are sacred in the scene kid culture. typical screen names include things such as "CaitlinxChaos" and "SallyxSuicide".

their hobbies include dying and cutting their own hair. most scene kids will have more than one colour in their hair and the style will consist of multi, uneven layers with short choppy layers on top, and long straight hair extensions down the bottom.

scene kid #1: "I plan on making something out of my life. I have a passion for hairstyling/make-up application and as soon as I'm finished high school, I am going to cosmetology school."

scene kid #2: "i dont care about hatemails. they actually amuse me. you don't even know me
to have the right to send me some. don't think you'll get my attention then. you can call me vain.
i'm not."

by SmashMyPumpkin November 11, 2007

108๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž