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the last name for the marine corps version of 'john doe', which is joe schmuckatelli.

every joe schmuckatelli will tell you that the marine corps taught him how to kill. what he did get taught was how to stay alive in a high stress situation.

by trevor plantangenent November 23, 2019

26👍 3👎


An Italian schmuck.

Wow that guy is a schmuckatelli!

by Smurphalicious May 17, 2019

2👍 4👎


1. a person who let's people in their house for 15 minutes when their parents aren't home and think they're bad ass

2. a slang term of endeerment between friends

1. mom i didnt mean to be such a schmuckatelli

2. heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy schmuckatelli how are ya

by pre-wrap December 6, 2008

6👍 40👎

Joe Schmuckatelli

Italian Phrase for a guy who curses out his mechanic and then insults him by not saving his number

This guys a real Joe Schmuckatelli

by Joey ceee August 8, 2019

1👍 10👎


Steven Cooper

Steven Cooper is a schmuckatelli!

by hgykm October 5, 2018