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Schmucker's Goober Jelly

Da brain-activity-reducing/altering (i.e., eating it causes you to be a "goober") striped nut/fruit spread dat Harrison Ford had in his mid-afternoon snack-sandwich, and which subsequently caused him to accidentally land his Aviat Husky in a manner contrary to the tower's instructions ("I’m the schmuck that landed on the taxiway").

One should not have any potentially-dangerous, exacting, and/or expensive activities planned for several hours after ingesting any sizable amount of Schmucker's Goober Jelly, so as to hopefully avoid any cranial-confusion-related mishaps caused by consuming said tasty-but-thought-fogging comestible --- just look what it did to famed actor-turned-pilot Harrison Ford (i.e., he both overflew another aircraft at a dangerously low altitude AND touched down on the wrong tarmac-strip), and HE was an experienced pilot, to boot!

by QuacksO April 8, 2020