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Scott Dea

Sexyiest man around. Outperforms all his friends in every aspect. Pulls all the women and wows everybody. Best at everything compared to friends.

Sokratis: Wow who is that guys
Hot women 1: That's Scott dea wow
Sokratis: Wow I'm so hard rn

by Richard6969696969696 October 10, 2022

1👍 13👎

scott Dea

no girls, no men, and 100% ugly as hell, a dog eating munching dog pooping ape
"another way this can be used is as an insult"

eww you see scott dea: "sexy kid number 1" Yeah man look how ugly and how he pulls no girls"

you see that kid? hes such a scott dea. He prob eats dogs 24/7 and gets no girls around him

by Ihatedhboys June 8, 2022