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scraping the barrel

To go the extra length or to really milk a situation (see milking) To push something to the limit. Usually the terms is used in times of distress or in times of need.

My local football club just signed a new player, looks like they are really scraping the barrel with the players at the moment.

by Paul3o3 August 5, 2011

20👍 14👎

scrape the barrel

To scrape the barrel is to preform a sexually indecent act upon the partner... ALWAYS two queer men who are bumlords

Dodsworth loves to scrape the barrel

by pseudonym March 29, 2004

12👍 13👎

scraping the barrel

8th song in the album "Old Souls", the second full-length album released by the australian symphonic deathcore band "Make Them Suffer". It's the album's heaviest song.

Jared: Hey, dude. Have you ever listened to the song Scraping the Barrel, by Make Them Suffer?
Leo: Yeah, man! That song is sick as hell!

by IamTheOneBADINGA March 3, 2017