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Second Life

A game where desperate people with no lives or friends get to live out their dreams of social acceptance and sex.
The vast majority of Second Life players are unattractive and socially awkward.

With Second Life, nerds everywhere that are deprived of sex in their 1st life can have virtual sex in their Second Life. Woo!

by Kaptain Kangeroo April 30, 2009

6433๐Ÿ‘ 439๐Ÿ‘Ž

Second Life

A digital world where people without a first life mingle and be pathetic togethor in harmony.

"Timmy and I play Second Life and then we watch reruns of our middle school graduation while masturbating."

by DJ Gorilla December 3, 2006

4233๐Ÿ‘ 494๐Ÿ‘Ž

Second Life

A virtual world in which a desperately lonely person can adopt an alter ego and live out an utterly pointless existence every bit as mundane as their non-virtual life. The "noughties" version of Dungeons and Dragons but without the trolls and orcs. A baffling and ultimately sad indictment of how people interact today.

Having failed to get a "first" life I think I'll try and make friends in Second Life. (Crushing disappointment follows)

by zippy_uk October 12, 2006

4367๐Ÿ‘ 600๐Ÿ‘Ž

Second Life

An unstable, unsecured virtual real time chat platform/medium, that claims no responsibility for anything, brought to you by the creator of an internet video conferencing sofeware, which was later acquired by RealNetworks. Players are generally in their 20s or 40s'
Where one (as a predator or victim) can waste lots of real time and monies w/ delusions of reliving a bettered remembered "glory days" as any sex or creature or thing, killing time w/ desperate housewives, retirees, drunks, the mentally ill and different dregs of ppls on Government Assistance, validating their time playing by creating crap or on sexual conquests, while they avoid their real life (aka 1st life) waiting for their 3rd life (aka death).
Recent media attention, I.R.S., pedophilia, hacked accounts, constant kiddie scripted disruptions.

Second Life "Come for the hoes, stay for the lolz!"
Second Life "I hang on Second Life waiting for WOW to finish their maintenance."
Second Life "Where PS/coding skills make you are God!"
Second Life "The internet's' final frontier for your rents!"
Second Life "One word, lag!"

by pebo June 12, 2008

1420๐Ÿ‘ 227๐Ÿ‘Ž

Second Life

Second Life is a fun game to play. It's not a game you win. Instead, it's a game that simulates real life but cooler where you can teleport to different places like Butsu, northern lights dance club, and more. Teenagers and adults play second life. Mostly adults. Second life is for cool people and winners. You play it on a laptop. There are places to get free stuff. There's a place to go bowling. There's a sex beach. There's a place you see people dressed up in animal costumes. Linden is the currency of second life. There's a place where you can collect gems and turn them into Linden. Linden and money are exchangeable. You can buy Linden with money. You can sell Linden for money. You tip the DJs at the Northern lights. You can fly in second life. You can be a werewolf and then be a regular cool dude later on. And have your avatar wear sunglasses and drink soda. There are more places I been to but don't remember what it's called. I used to play second life as an adult. Not anymore. I don't have a laptop anymore. There are so many more places I didn't even see in second life.

I was dancing to cool music at northern lights. Second Life was awesome!

by HawaiianPunch1 July 14, 2021

57๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Second Life

A virtual world created by a company based out of California known as Linden Labs. The world takes the form of a collection of "sims" owned by players which cost an amount of rent to LL per month. Each sim is based off of a physical server at LL headquarters. In-world money, known as lindens can be exchanged to real world money (most world currencies) and it is this fact that makes Second Life so successful. Unlike other MMOGs (massive multiplayer online games), Second Life offers the opportunity for the acquisition of real world profit.

I just got rich selling virtual shit that doesn't even do anything on Second Life.

by SLBusinessOwnerPwnedYou April 28, 2009

182๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Second Life

A Massive Multilayer Online Game made by Linden Labs, referred to as SL for short. It functions as an online metaverse where the content is created by the users from in game resources, and things uploaded from the computers of the users. Because of this the game has its own economy, and in game money (Lindens) can be traded for real world money. The game is free to play, but a fee is required if a player wishes to own in game land. Land in the game is divided up into Islands, the Islands are set from the Linden Labs owned Mainland, to the private Islands that sit apart from the mainland collection of islands. A island on SL is more commonly known as 'a Sim'. Almost anything can be found in second life from shopping to dance clubs, to cyber sex, and even roleplaying sims.

Second Life is an Massive Multiplayer Online Game.

by RollandM January 16, 2009

316๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž