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Second Person

The part of speech that is used when speaking directly to another person. The second person utilizes the word 'you' (and, below the Mason-Dixon line, 'y'all').

I tried referring to myself in the second person when bragging about all of my outstanding test scores, but my friend thought that I was complimenting him.

by Diggity Monkeez February 28, 2005

20👍 8👎

Second-Person Theory

The second person theory is the theory that, in almost all circumstances, the perpetrator in a crime based television show is the second introduced character in the episode. They are typically introduced after or just prior to the first lead and suspect. Holds true at least 90% of the time.

Refer to any episode of any crime show ever.

<dude 1> "They did it."
<dude 2> "What, how do you know that?"
<dude 1> "Second-Person Theory.

by Extracting December 1, 2013

Second Hand Person

When someone is talking to you and you have another friend come and vouch for you

AnaMarie was talking to Uriel and AnaMarie asked Martha to come cause she was her Second Hand Person

by anabanana04 December 1, 2020

2👍 1👎