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Seder nixxa

Imposters that attend cultural events solely for free food and alcohol. These free loaders manipulate vulnerable clueless hosts for invitations. They strategize through lies and dishonest intentions. The master manipulators pretend to care about your customs. They will go as far as to wear a Yamaka on top of there nappy afros. They will fake laugh at jokes as-well pretend to adore and tolerate your nasty untrained pets. They influence children to partake in unhealthy immature practices such as drinking alcohol. The impressionable children will learn to skip dosages of insulin, skip doctor appointments, forget allergy medications, not use CPAP due to the influence of the seder nixxa's. They are lowly members of society and remember to not invite them into your home!

A: "Hey bro what are you doing this weekend?"
B: "Its passover, i'm probably gonna crash a seder for the free alcohol"
A: "Dam bro you mind if i come too?"
B: " come through bro its not my wine"
A: " your a Seder nixxa for life!!"

by Pseudophed-head April 8, 2023