Source Code


sperm; jizz

There was serum all over my computer when I was watching porn.

by ManMadeSerum August 22, 2009

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Slut Serum

What you call alcohol when it is used, consumed or purchased for the intent of promoting sex to occur between two or more parties.

Yeah bro, I thought I was never gonna hit it with that fat chick from DQ but all she needed to get busy was a little bit of that slut serum.

by Ranchgirls October 22, 2020

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truth serum

a drug used to lower inhibition in patients with severe anxiety-based phobias or prisoners in order to entice them to tell the truth about any questions asked

sodium amytals; amobarbital, or sodium pentothol

by Raven Dyer-lang May 11, 2003

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The Superhero Serum

When you bust in a girlโ€™s mouth after a month or more on NoFap.

Last night Scott gave her the superhero serum.

by abbyiszyzz May 10, 2021

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Troll Serum

Another term for Black Tar Heroin

"Gonna go pick up some troll serum"

by slapping of the asscheeks May 30, 2021

Senpapi's Sleep Serum

A drug made by mixing 2 relaxing pills, a headache pill and cough syrup.

Man 1: Yo dude I just had some Senpapi's Sleep Serum
Man 2: Nice

by Senpapi November 3, 2019

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Anticock Craving Serum

a solution given to dick goblins to relieve their otherwise uncontrollable cravings for penis

The Dick Goblin won't stop calling me. I think she ran out of anticock craving serum.

by Smasherman July 21, 2008

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