A retarded definition usually made by a 12 year old on urbandictionary failing to be funny. A sex definition usually has this formula
Typical definition of a word that is turned into a sexual act:
While you're fucking a girl in the ass (blank) and right before you cum pull your dick out then say (blank) then (blank) while you are cumming, then say "bitch you just got (blanked)
Example of a Sex Definition on Urban Dictionary.
George Washington:
While you're fucking a girl in the ass put wooden teeth on and right before you cum pull your dick out then say "give me liberty or give me death!" then put a $1 bill on her face and cum all over it , then say "bitch you just got George Washingtoned!"
258👍 25👎
I have to do this because hee hoo haa haa sex funny guys
no example, shoo you filthy peasants looking for sex jokes, like this obligatory one
you fucking sex trolls, go else where for this kinda joke, not this obligatory sex definition
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