side effect of the bourgeois fantasies of some latter day feminists who greet prostitution and pornography with universal, and therefore unmerited, green lights.
sex work is real obviously, and we shouldn't demonize the people who do it. but too many of the fools who are trying to normalize or celebrate it are writing about fantasy, not socio-economic reality.
"you wouldn't beleive emma's over-reaction when i said i saw a hooker strolling fifth avenue! she insisted i say sex worker instead."
"man, forget her. the girl is all theory and attitude and no street smarts."
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More neutral or sympathetic alternative to prostitute, whore. Frankly offering sex for money is seen as either a necessary or acceptable job, parallel to (say) factory work, and no stigma or sneer of contempt should be attached to its practitioners.
"Sex workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains (unless you are happy wearing them)"
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A politically-correct word for the alternative to prostitution, cyber prostitution, or Premium Snapchats. A sex worker earns money through Premium Snapchats, Patreon, or other websites, as well as being paid to have sex with their clients. They are often found selling explicit nudes in exchange for money, typically through PayPal or Patreon. Decentralised pornography.
βHey, whatβs your Premium Snapchat?β
βCheck the link and subscribe, SEX WORKERS are REAL WORKERS!β
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Another term for prostitute, used mainly by women who sell nudes online and claim it's real work. They mostly use this term as a way to make themselves feel like they're not prostituting themselves
Bella: Hey, buy my nudes!
Charles: Sorry, I don't support prostitution
Bella: Sex work is real work!!! Support sex workers!!
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A slut who gets paid to fuck men who are single.
βCan you hear them moans?β
βYes, the sex worker is living thereβ
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#sexworker is a Prostitute, Escort servicer, Mostly but not limited to; Younger women with little to no guidance in their life, usually have dady issues or lack there of. Characterised by cheap extensions nails did, short skirts and skimpy outfits. Can always spot a miniature purse as their" calling card".
"Look at that sex worker. " The correct terminology is working girl Bob.
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Sex work is a high-risk occupation for mental health problems as sex workers are vulnerable to high rates of violence, sexual coercion, stigma and HIV.
Aim: To determine the prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms and substance use in sex workers.Method: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey of all men and women attending the Sisonke health initiative, a non-profit non-governmental organisation (NGO), for sex workers was conducted over three months. A socio-demographic questionnaire, the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ 20), the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ 9) and the WHO Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST V3.0) were administered.
Results: A total of 155 participants were surveyed. The prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms on the SRQ 20 and PHQ 9 total scores were 78.4% and 80.9% respectively. Some 40% of sex workers reported suicidal ideation in the year preceding the study. High rates of violence (n = 112, 72%) and childhood abuse (n = 107, 69%) were reported. The prevalence of HIV was 76.1%. The lifetime prevalence of substance use for nicotine (87.8%), alcohol (87.8%) and cannabis (87.7%) was high. Despite the high prevalence of psychiatric symptoms reported, only 15 (9.7%) participants were receiving psychiatric treatment at the time of the survey.
Sex worker is a difficult job with lots of problems involved brings pain to family's and loved ones
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