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Shake shake

Rubbing salt into the wound.

The third party shouts shake shake referring to the salt when someone is dissed/insulted.

Used by Tom Odell.

"You have friends???"
"Ouch! Shake shake..."

by Roman224444 February 10, 2014

31👍 8👎

Shake Shake Shake

The uncontrollable need to move your body to music.

Shake Shake Shake baby, you better give in to this rhythm.

You're fidgety, are you suppressing a Shake Shake Shake?

Is your body petrified, or do you have a magical power over your Shake Shake Shake?

by dedansers June 13, 2018

1👍 2👎

shake shake

A strip club or titty bar

Lets goto the shake shake.

by Eric November 4, 2004

11👍 21👎

Chibuku Shake-Shake

A traditional beer recipe made from sorghum and/or maize (corn). The shake-shake is a directive, since the solids tend to separate in the carton, so it needs a shake before you drink it. The alcoholic content in Chibuku is fairly low, but the longer it sits around, the stronger it gets. Popular in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi and Botswana.

Goodwill: Hey mfwetu I dont have any more money for beer
Brightness: Lets get some Chibuku Shake-Shake

by KZ254 April 13, 2013

Happy Shake Milk Shake

Milkshake that has seaman in it.

"Do you want to go to the McDonald's in Edgware?"

"No. It got closed down for selling a happy shake milk shake."

by Shaun R. Palmer February 2, 2008

4👍 4👎