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A beautiful lady. Smart and damn seductive. Shara is a kind of girl you can trudt and lean on, often times, she can be a joker but a total serious girl. full of surprises and brings happiness. easily get hurt and cry. Easily disapointed.

shara - a perfect baby name for your little girl.

by Websterthinkers March 27, 2008

807πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


a good friend who sticks up for you and aways is they for you

shara is a good friend who helped me though my relationship break up

by Chris April 13, 2005

363πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž



A created word from a created language based mainly on Latin though heavily influenced by other languages; used in communication between Houses.

This woman is a Shara of the House.
Shara Aramina Bel'Tara of House araka.

by Aramina Bel'Tara November 3, 2004

142πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


a ship between shawn mendes and sara

i ship #shara

by shawnyboy10173 February 2, 2017

18πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


not a skank. but eating lots ritz crackers.

look at her eat those ritz crackers

by slowcho April 11, 2005

75πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž


A 'Sharae' Is a beautiful, and intelligent girl. Will wait for the right guy to become intimate, most likely til marriage. Is shy when around her crush, and doesn't like to kiss when a lot of people are around. A 'Sharae' Is a very talented, and amazing girl. She is the go-to person for advice, and will always be there for you. She is always reliable, and responsible. Anybody would die to be her friend. She doesn't care what anybody says about her, and just keeps going on in life.

A 'Sharae' Falls for a guy easily, But; doesn't get over him easily. Break her heart, and you will regret it a lot. She is Beautiful, and loving. You won't be disappointed you met her.

I wish I knew Sharae. Everybody tells me she's nice.

No one says anything bad about Sharae! How can you not love her?

by Bostonmamas March 14, 2017

86πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Sharae is the most kind and caring person you will ever meet. She is beautiful inside and out. However, she does not realize how stunning she is. Although she may be a little crazy at times... that’s what makes her so fun to be around. There is never a dull moment with sharae. She’s a light that can brighten the darkest times in ones life. Sharae is always there for others and gives the best advice. You can always rely on sharae. She is an amazing sister and many people would not be able to live without her in their lives. Sharae is the strongest women you will ever meet who is able to overcome any obstacle and still keep smiling. She’s admired by many especially for her assets even though she does not the beauty of her assets. Sharae will always go the extra mile for the ones she loves and she is loved by many.

Omg is that sharae ? I heard she’s really mean!
No ways ! Sharae is the most amazing person and she’s extremely friendly !

by Raeeeebaeeeee December 28, 2018

37πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž