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Ex mining village until recently was cut off, due to no bus service. Most people are related to each other. They have a fish shop, shop, pubs, doctors, park, postoffice which only opens when no one’s looking.

There is community centre locals are discouraged from using in case they pinch tea bags or do not wash up. Most children are 19th generation Sharlston, whether things will change now they have a bus, only time will tell. Those that brave the Wakefield bus complain it’s a perilous journey. Once some took the Castleford bus and never returned. The bus company is relentless, replacing the bus stops which locals remove.
The shop sells energy drinks and lager so covers the whole days hydration.

At tea time locals meet at the park for chips. There’s a group trying get the park classified as a nature reserve, many rats regularly feast on the locals left overs. It’s the only animal that survives in Sharlston, people feel it should be protected they have heard Europe will give a grant towards the nature reserve. The water supply was cut off many years ago, no one ever noticed until someone tried to set up a car wash in 2015. The guy was part of the team that set off on the Castleford bus. As he never returned his complaint wasnt followed up.
Occasionally outsiders move to Sharlston, they stand out like sore thumbs, they have straight teeth and their eyes move in unison.

I live in Sharlston, its a village.

by bootcutter67 February 10, 2019

New Sharlston

New Sharlston, ex mining village built solely for the purpose of housing hard working miners. Since the mine closed in 1995 theres has been only one job opportunity in New Sharlston. A village of 200 people with one person employed as a taxi driver. The children of the old miners are now adults who have never worked, they spend their days routing for coal in the old pit stakes, stealing alloy wheels, burning tyres, walking lurchers and drinking cider. The place reakes of rubber and shit. They all claim benefits due to the lack of employment in the village. All are related, recognised by orange hair. It's not a pleasant place, I don't recommend visiting on Mondays as strangers are often roasted on bbqs. I recommend visiting on Tuesday if you have to, when they get benefits get paid you are less likely to be eaten.

I live in New Sharlston it's a village

by bootcutter67 March 9, 2023

Sharlston Community School

Sharlston Community school, although officially a school for 4 to 11 year olds, the average pupil age is 42. Sadly due to the deprivation in the area, children are held back each year. Those that fair worst are 17th generation Sharlston related to their brothers, mums, sisters, cousins, dad. It's normal to date the next door neighbour who's probably already their first cousin. They will aspire to one day have their own council house and go to pay weekly sofas for a 3 piece suite. Nutrition is poor so children are often clinically obese, the average child is at least 6 stone over the recommend bmi. The school serves meat pie, turkey dinasours and custard every day, the 5 dehydrated peas in the offal pie count as the 5 a day , the head cook Shazza says she's extremely proud of her healthy wholesome menu. The pta often fund raise, selling raffle tickets, to fund the new roof. Sadly the money is paid maintain the teachers wine fund and to pay off ofsted with no benefit to the school. Lessons are not planned, with Chinese nail beauticians paid peanuts to watch the children while the teachers swan off on school trips to Italy without the children.

I go to sharlston Community school

by bootcutter67 April 20, 2023