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One with wisdom that boggles the mind. The depth of insight that Sharyl has is truly a gift. Her friends depend on her to counsel them on important issues. The life-changing advice Sharyl gives is always spot-on.

Her approach is slow - never hurried. She analyzes a situation, ponders it, then purposefully makes a comment. The result is an answer or statement that not only applies to the topic, but shows a dimension of the topic others rarely, if ever, consider.

Those who consider naming their child Sharyl must be prepared for the enormous responsibility. As little Sharyl grows, she will begin to exhibit the traits of wisdom and insight. Parents must allow Sharyl all the room she needs regarding freedom of speech and access to books, television, and the internet. It is through connecting with the world that Sharyl will continue to flourish and develop her gift.

History of Sharyl:
As a group of employees sat around at staff meeting, Sharyl occasionally made profound statements. When another employee made an equally profound statement, it was noted that his insight was like that of Sharyl.

"He was so Sharyl with his insight on that issue."

"I wish our committee had more Sharyl."

"The lack of Sharyl is slowing down our progress."

by Taga February 3, 2010

58👍 9👎


A person that uses way to many periods.


"you. Are like so not. Nice. You bully."

by Bunny-b0y April 24, 2022