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Sheep Rooter

A dergatory term for a person from New Zeland. To say that a person has sexual intercouse with a sheep. (Origin: Almost only used by Australian's for making fun of New Zelander's because of the ratio of sheep to people in New Zeland.)

"The All Blacks are a bunch of Sheep Rooters."

by Bigi July 13, 2005

29👍 5👎


A "sheep rooter" is primarily described as someone who very much enjoys making sexual acts with sheep. An example of a sheep rooter in 2 words is... TOM DWYER... this boys claims New Zealand to be his home country (and expects the rights and priviledges of there people) and quite frankly he isnt. He is nothing but a dirty sheep rooter. The minute I am released from prison (because i am such a big westie) BAAAhaha (and yes they do have computers in prison) i am going to kill that son of a cunt! im gonna bring my 50 down and give him a real game. If that loser fights back i will cap him in the head!!! This is tom's favorite song...
"dirty deeds..done with sheep"
BAAAA haha BAAAA haha

"oh my god that TOM DWYER is such a dirt sheep rooter!"

by Nathan Waight August 14, 2006

5👍 8👎