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Sheeple dementia sematic

Alternative to "anti-sematic" - far more precise, concise, and targeted towards what they user intends to portray when using verbally, written, and in every other format that is expelled out of their arrogant nuisance of a flush bodied waste of space.

Broken down 1. Sheeple, a group that doesnt think for themselves (or think at all) and just follow other ideologies (for tose in the low IQ club, that means the ideas you possess) 2. Delusional, even the "humans" that strig tigether a sentence explaining why jew are "x,y or z) (all bad, since they are the demograpohc that uses ati-sematism, not realliIng this is really what they mean) 3,. sematism - if you dont know what that means, I wish you luck. Try Dennys.

Important to note Anti sematic can also be used as a Public Relations attention grabber which is cheap and pathetic - BUT effective none the less.

Kanye is in the new taling :anti semetic lately, he is really just capitalizing off the knee jerk reaction it gets. What he really means is Sheeple dementia sematic.

by cracked brilliance November 3, 2022