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one who herds or "sheeps" others. A Sheppard is a leader and will tend to flocks of various sizes. One can be a Sheppard at work, in social situations or any other life situation. A Sheppard is born a Sheppard, it cannot be taught. A prominent Staff is a common trait of a true Sheppard.

Shev is one hell of a Sheppard, did you see the crowd of girls around him last night?

by Sheppard Zack September 18, 2007

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When you graduate techschool at Sheppard AFB and are waiting for your orders, or assignment. Therefore you are now stuck doing details. Pushing a broom around from 0700 to 1600 in a hallway cleaning the same area consitantly. Hoping one day that your orders are ready for pick up.

Airman A "You here about Jones ? " Airman B "no what's going on?" Airman A "He's been stuck on details pushing a broom around the squadron until he's gets his orders. He's been waiting for over a month now." Airman B "That sucks." Airman A "Yea he got the Sheppard-Shaft.'

by Wouldjablowmie October 13, 2018

UMFS Sheppard

A piece of shit, originating from UMFS, with pieces of corn and black beans stuck inside of it. It smells really bad and usually clogs the toilet.

dude 1 - "Dude, why does the whole house smell like rank shit?"
dude 2 - "because I ate a nasty empanada and took a UMFS Sheppard"

by the dirtiest sanchez ever November 22, 2019

UMFS Sheppard

When a fat whore, originating from UMFS, sucks dicks to get promotions. Often bites dicks by accident with her snaggly teeth.

Doctor - "how did you get those scratch marks on your penis?"
Patient - "Sarah gave me a UMFS Sheppard..."

by Jesus Butt Fuckin' Christ November 23, 2019

UMFS Sheppard

The product of a mexican breeding with a gremlin, that after years of whoring, saves up enough money to go to UMFS.

Man, I got herpes from this ugly bitch, the UMFS Sheppard

by angel cakes 99 November 23, 2019

Michael Sheppard

someone who owns all things aqua

The other day at the swim meet, a kid swam a 100 backstroke in 51 seconds! He was an absolute Michael Sheppard.

by pfchangs16 October 24, 2008

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A Dan Sheppard

A kid who has hair like a sheep

That kids hair has a dan sheppard going on!!!!!!

by ed the bird November 19, 2010