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A person that has no consideration for another persons feelings because he/she was born with shit in their head instead of brains

One who is a compulsive liar, every time they open their mouth only shit pours out. Often politely referred to as a bullshit artist

Sid you shithead, you got your mates wife pregnant and continued to bang her while rejecting, lying, and trying to deceive your own family for another eight years. Did you really think they had shit for brains too?

by Chuddie February 5, 2016

183๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person whose brain is made of shits

mr K-Y is a shithead, he tried to accuse his co-worker of using subtle moves and also compared his co-worker to a sinister and bitesome cobra, but they are all nothing but fucking lies.

by it is not your business July 6, 2019

248๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


A complete dumbass; a genuine moron. Someone who has committed an act in which causes harm or temporary discomfort to another.

Do not speak to that shithead over there.

Max is a total shithead.

Frank you shithead, I could have been killed!

by Tom Main February 5, 2003

1264๐Ÿ‘ 345๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. (noun) an asshole that is stupid
2. (noun) Justin Beiber
3. (noun) one's head after it is defecated upon

Bill: Did you see that prepubescent faggot Beiber singing love songs and dancing around like a wind-up monkey?

Joe: Oh yeah, that butt-plug. He's a shithead. And it literally looks like he has a shithead.

Bill: I am pretty certain that he did probably pull his head out of some guy's asshole.

by backspinboy September 22, 2010

258๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž


N; Proper name; Pronounced "Sha-theed" or "Shi-theed".

The lady filling out the birth certificate said, "For the third time, ma'am, you cannot name your daughter Shithead, no matter how you pronounce it."

by wallamh September 12, 2003

443๐Ÿ‘ 194๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A narrowminded or ignorant waste of food, water, and air who usually is inpolite to those with seniority and/or is soveriegn; smacktard; bigot

2. One who is not intelligent enough to use a coherent insult and therefore uses insults such as gay, nigger. They usually can't even piece these together to a half decent insult.

That shithead thinks furries fursuit and screw each other.

"I will go to a game where I am a complete newb and be disrespectful to veterans! I think I shall call them 'Sheep fucker wannabe nigger jew lizard'."

by Berkie April 10, 2004

724๐Ÿ‘ 357๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term for someone who committed a very stupid act or for someone who is just always an idiot. Someone who is so stupid, you question if their brains are made of shit.

1. Only a true shithead would light himself on fire while naked looking for publicity on YouTube.
2. He gone and blew his lips off sucking them through that soda bottle... what a shithead!!

by Cheeto Dust October 27, 2015

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž