Source Code


A corporation that basically owns everything in the world of Final Fantasy 7. Run by Rufus Shinra after his daddy was killed by Mr. Sephy. The Epitome of the "evil profit driven" organization. You can compare it easily with gas companies such as Exxon or Mobil.

*Cloud Turns on Midgar Television*

TV: "Chocobo Racing - Brought to you by Shinra!!!!"
Cloud : "WTF??"
TV: "Buy your portable Mako Generator, ON SALE TODAY! Or we will have SOLDIER storm your homes and take away EVERYTHING you hold dear...BUY 1 GET 2 FREE!!"

by Guruji March 31, 2006

83👍 18👎


To suck to the highest level

a) a player in a game who has no idea how to play the game

"Dude!, you so Shinra at this game!"

b) a player totally messes up the simplest of plays

" That was pretty Shinra of you! "

by brewman February 4, 2008

92👍 34👎

Rufus Shinra

He is first time seen as the 21 year old vice president of Shinra , but after his father, President Shinra, kicks the bucket Rufus becomes the new president of Shinra inc. He is one of the Final Fantasy VII's antagonists. He has a cool, arrogant and greedy deamour and has a sarcastic sense of humor. He also has his own infamous hair flip thingie.

rufus shinra is the hottest and best villain ever.

by celine-chan September 18, 2006

100👍 7👎

Shinra Tensei

A super-powerful move used by the Akatsuki member Pein (Nagato) that allows one to create a powerful blast that will push away anything. Pein uses it to completely destroy the leaf village, in addition to using it while fighting Kakashi, Choji, Jiraiya, Sage-Mode Naruto, and Kyuubi Naruto.

It can also be used in an everyday context to refer to someone getting completely destroyed.

Version 1: Pein used Shinra Tensei and completely fucked up the Leaf Village in Naruto.

Version 2: If you don't pay me back, I will go Shinra Tensei on your ass.

by KakaSensei May 18, 2011

67👍 6👎

Rufus Shinra

The best FFVII character, even surpassing Cloud and Sephiroth.

"Dang, dude, Rufus is STRAIGHT!"

by Rufus Shinra November 12, 2004

123👍 29👎

Shinra male

A fucking loser

Whats the definition of a shinra male

a person who doesn't need anyone or anything, doesn't feel or want to feel any emotions, in full control of himself, destroyer of all that is shallow delusional sad pathetic and degenerate kaomojis included ( ¯◡¯)b

by Horizont February 28, 2022

Shinras ex

Shinras ex is usually a term for a very quirky e-girl that plays a lot of VRChat.
Although he doesn't know who's behind the VR headset, he usually starts dating these people based on their pixels alone.

Lets go to a public Black Cat to pick up Shinras ex.

by Sky7734 October 4, 2022