If an individual is Shipping Trash, it means that they really support the ship, and will do anything to protect it/make it real. They get very butthurt or offended if someone else doesn't like the ship, or if they're reminded that the ship might never be a thing.
When using this term, replace 'Shipping' with the ship in question. (Septishu, Amyplier, Phan, etc.)
Shipping Trash:
E.g. 1. My friend is such Septiplier trash, that she disliked all of Wiishu's videos, and sends her hate on a daily basis.
Fat out of shape, white people on vacation sunburnt as hell covered in white pasty sunscreen, wearing tie-dyed shirts that are oversized that don’t fit them or has has a destination logo on them with baggy, swimsuits, and wearing Jesus sandals with socks that are soaking wet and disgusting and probably been clean properly in a week that probably stuffed their faces full of buffet and open bar for a week straight
Look cruise ship trash visiting the beautiful natural wonder