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Shit Ho

The 45th President of The United States. His name is Donald Trump and he is a retarded racist pig. He jerks off onto his seven wives who don't even love him and he thinks a WALL will save America.

I hope the existence of this shit ho is a joke.

by WhoDatFreshBoi January 14, 2018

31๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shit Ho

A girl who like to be fucked in the ass, then shit on, preferbly by someone with diarrhea.

There goes Jane, she is such a shit ho.

by Jonny Diarrhea June 12, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

holy shit ('hO-lE - 'shit)

1.a startling new devlopment.
2.devine excrement.

"Holy Shit, Batman!"

by Tokincat May 14, 2005

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Ho Shit

(can also be termed "hoe shit") noun. - defined by men or women selling sex, the act/illusion of sex, sexual napalms, or sexuality for a certain type of gain. This gain can be a variety of things, such as attention, publicity, materialism, monetary value, nourishment, security, etc. The phrase has always been around but was popularized back in 2005 by r&b songstress Erykah Badu on a YouTube Video explaining how to stay a relevant celebrity.

Tiger Woods' ho shit nearly cost him one of his eyes and some teeth, as wife Elin chased after him with a golf club.

by Dishalon13 April 11, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

ho shit

when someone tries to say oh shit, but says "ho" shit instead

Me: my dad caught me drinking last night
You: ho shit! he must have been pissed

by saucemonkey April 29, 2009

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Ho Shit

A statement of shock. Though most often expressed calmly, it usually implies an imminent need to "get the fuck out" of one's current situation.

Mike: What's that noise in the other room?
Andy: Someone pulled out a blade.
Mike: Ho Shit.

by RoarkIsAwesome February 18, 2011

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fuckin shit ass ho

something my brother says

Goddmanit you fuckin shit ass ho, what the fuck is wrong with you?

by Adam October 24, 2004

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