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shit and get

1. the act of hurrying and disappearing after preforming an action that one would not want to be seen or caught in the act of

hey here comes the police, time to shit and get!!!

by Tim L. in north Bama February 28, 2011

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shit and get

We need to finish what we are doing and move on.

A common phrase in the construction industry.

This building opens in one week, we need to shit and get.

by EOD!V November 16, 2013

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shit and get

A shit that only takes matters of seconds after the dump is engaged...

"Man that dump did not take you long." "I know it was a shit and get..."

by Dumple November 11, 2007

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Adverb: Something or someone who can accelerate or operate at an extremely high rate. Some common objects that can be described as being able to "shit-n-get" are muscle cars, military aircraft, M-60 & M2 .50 cal machine guns, olympic track stars, and Deion Sanders

"Man Jethro I tell ya, Uncle Jesse's hemi sure can shit-n-get"

"Ha ha, charlie thinks he runs fast, but this 50 can shit-n-get

by surfwax December 14, 2007

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Shit and Get

The act of taking a shit and getting out of the bathroom as fast as possible to save the embarrassment/suspicion from a friend/bf/gf

Pronounced: (shit-and-git)

Once I got to the bathroom I had to shit and get because there were so many people over the house.

by pepe the froggy February 23, 2016

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shit or get off the pot

"make a decision." This phrase is most commonly used towards a person or group whom the speaker feels are behaving indecisively. Often occurs in tense situations where the speaker believes a quick decision is necessary or urgent. Sometimes delivered as "life advice."

"Shit or get off the pot. Don't just sit there waiting for a better option, or hoping someone will fix it for you."

by Deome June 17, 2015

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shit or get off the pot

Hurry up and make a decision. Usually used when some one is being really indecisive or is taking way to long to do something. Commonly refers to a decision where a commitment is evolved.

You've been engaged for 6 years, don't you think it's time you shit or get off the pot?

by jettafer30 November 15, 2005

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