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Shit circus

When someone is full of problems and doesn't stop causing drama wherever they go, that can be described as a shit circus.

Ever since Dean met Bruno, all their friends have had to endure the never ending shit circus and everybody is getting tired of it.

by Todas pessoas May 3, 2021

some circus shit

Freakishly amazing circumstances.

adam: yeah so right before we start having sex she whispers to me, "I have two pussies."
josh: Oh, wow.
adam: and i was really drunk so i just started in at one, and it was the wrong one.
josh: that's unbelievable.
adam: yeah, i definitely went for the wrong one and i felt it go, "rriiipp!" Oh my gosh, it was some circus shit.

by Duder O'Malley March 20, 2006

9👍 5👎

shit like a circus elephant

A self explanitory saying. The defecation equivalent to the more popular, "piss like a race horse."

Jesus, hold on a second; I gotto shit like a circus elephant.

by sunset pirate April 9, 2006

26👍 8👎