The unfortunate occurrence of a bowel movement that crests the rear band of an infant or toddler's diaper, resulting in yellow, curdy staining of the child's back and clothing (and often furniture, parents, and household pets).
The act of producing a shitback
Having characteristics of shitback.
See also shitleg and shitbaby
Oh no, the kid's got shitback!
Quick! Grab the change pad, he's shitbacking!
These diapers suck - he's all shitbacky.
the art of quickly replying to someone shitting on you with an even better reply that outshits them.
Nicole: ....okay cool Sean Murray
Dayshon: Fuck you Nicole....
Dayshon to Morgan: Damn Morgan why dont i have a shitback when i need it.
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A person who is regularly subjected to the wiping of dog faeces onto his back without his knowledge
Oi, shitback, you've got shit on your back!
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When you go to change the baby's diaper and the shit goes so high up on the diaper it actually goes onto their back and clothes.
Didn't you change him all day?!?!?! I came home and he had shitback!
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Where you shit with so much blunt force it shoots up out of your arse crack onto your back.
Guy:Why’d they close the bathrooms?
Other guy:I heard someone shitback in there.
Guy:totally makes sense.
A word used to describe a person who falls into a pile of shit on their back. Permanently calling them this word after this event takes place.
What's up shitback, have you washed your clothes?