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A Shitshort is a cruel and disgusting variant of the Buttshover. A Shitshort is performed by a jock. The jock is sitting on a nerd, the jock still has their pants on, but the nerds head is inside of the pants. The jock will then preform the Buttshover on the nerd face, which is still inside their pants. The jock will then take their pants off, and tie it around the nerds head, as well as tying the pant legs on the pants. This locks the jocks shit onto the nerds face. The jock will usually do something to prevent the nerd from being able to take it off for long periods of time, such as tying their hands together and locking them in a closet. The jock can make it even more disgusting by smearing the shit all over the nerds face. The Shitshort is done as a way to both humiliate the nerd, as well as making them as disgusting as possible. It's also possible for several jocks to take turns shitting in the pants the nerds face is in, if they want to make it even more disgusting.

Jock 1: Hey bro! You should've seen what happened in the locker room! Bradley gave Kevin a Shitshort! He took a big shit too, and Kevin is locked in the janitors closet with a hanging wedgie! We should go find him and add some shit to the Shitshort!
Jock 2: Hell yeah, bro! I had some Mexican food last night too, and it's ready to come out!

by TheFlyInYaRoom September 29, 2024