Source Code


"Sho'nuff" is an abbreviation of "sure enough".
It can replace -most certainly-

"..If we don't stop this we sho'nuff goin' die" (from the song CAN WE FIND A REASON by lenny Kravitz)

If we don't stop what we are doing we're most certainly going to die.

by Simone Attivissimo September 5, 2006

93👍 14👎


the meanest baddest mofo lowdown around town

when i say whos the masta, you say SHO'NUFF

by mr dre December 20, 2006

79👍 34👎


to agree with ones ideas or beliefs, or to acknowledge being talked to.

playa 1. awww shit nigga, i dun hit dat pussy up quick

playa 2. Sho'nuff nigga

by E July 31, 2003

16👍 15👎