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You've seen alot of bad restaurants, but then again, theres Shoney's, which is possibly the worst restaurant you will ever eat at. They insist on deep frying absolutely everything; including, but not limited to, chicken, other stuff that tastes like oil, and even the frialator oil itself . That drink you just ordered? It's pure oil. Immodium isn't supplied with your meal, so make sure you bring your own. But always remember, at Shoney's, "You're the Boss". Fair enough, until you drop dead from a heart attack

Person 1: You, me, Donnie, Shoneys?

Person 2: Absolutely not.


Person 1: On a scale of one to Shoneys, how greasy is your hair right now?

Person 2 : Definitely Shoneys!

by zamorak April 25, 2015

25πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The term SHONEY is short for "IS SHE A SHONEY?"

A question/phrase that is often used amongst the male gender for slyly asking one-another whether the member of opposite sex within the vicinity is a honey or not.

The term can also be used as a statement of acknowledgement once all parties agree she is a honey. "SHONEY!"

Tommy: Hey James, over there... SHONEY?

James: Yup... SHONEY!

by TSESQ January 16, 2014

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Slang term related to the Fort Worth area, meaning a hot girl that's slutty.

"Damn son, go hit it with that shoney over there"

"Waddup shoney?"

by Cari W July 20, 2008

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


a nasty resturant chain, that will be found along interstates for the most part. they even had a motel called the shoneys inn but went out of business, due to lack of business.

darnell: hey whats going on caroline, pullover to that shoney's and lets get the 2 for $10.99 meals.
rosa: why dont we just head to denny's a mile down and get there meals for the same price.
darnell: but ugh where black, they wont serve us right away
rosa: id rather wait for some denny's food then eat at that shit hole shoneys

by joshua001 March 6, 2007

29πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Someone who describes themselves as a "foodie" while really just having a fondness for chain restaurants.

Shoney's over there is excited about the buffalo wings at Claimjumpers but is critical that they do not carry totchos as well.

by the spicy taco September 3, 2009

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A greasy bastard, trouble maker, ruffian, slacker, basically someone you don’t want to be associate with.

They are a bunch of shoneys.

by Mamameia August 30, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a small mole like creature with a tiny pecker and over sized testicles, likes neck tikka and skin curry.

look over there, theres a shoney

by natalie brown October 13, 2003

10πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž