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Show of solidarity

Ope! There it is the show of solidarity!

Hym "There's the show of solidarity! Target and Miller and more! Shows of solidarity are ALL you ever do! Every commercial... What's funny about it is not just what they are boycotting but why they are boycotting. You're not boycotting the cobalt slaves and you're not boycotting sweatshops... You're boycotting beer over a tranny. This is the perfect demonstration as to why democracy is flawed. You don't give a shit what the company's you buy from 'believe in'and the companies don't actually believe in anything. But the metric you use to validate your position in life is your financial success (or a dumb whore fucking you) and if the tranny can make more money than you (because company's are paying the tranny to be a tranny) then you're no better than a tranny. Your claim to superiority it undermined by their ability to accrue wealth. More followers. Better deals. You're inferior by your own metric. I mean... I looks to me like sabotage out of jealousy. You have to stop the tranny from being successful or you have to be inferior to it according to your own rules. But you have it veiled as a moral issue."

by Hym Iam May 23, 2023