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The greatest frickin' movie app in mankind. Only on Android (sorry iOS people)
The movie app that doesn't show a zillion advertisements after you go ahead and tap that 1 button.

Dude 1: What's that app your using?
Dude 2: It's Showbox! But it's on Android
Dude 1: Damn dude your such a downer
Dude 2: They might have it for iOS is you jailbreak it

by latrelljennings August 10, 2016

7šŸ‘ 4šŸ‘Ž

Showbox & Soup

Those amazing nights when you watch porn and eat soup... Good times!

Person 1: yo broski Montana, wanna Netflix and chill tonight?

Person 2: nawh El pƩpƩ I rather showbox & soup tonight... Catch you on the flip side tho!

by I'm so Tate bruh December 30, 2016