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Sieg Denial

The act of Trump supporters believing they voted for the best possible candidate, regardless of the ensuing lies and horror. Originates from the Nazi salute, "Sieg Heil".

"Don't worry... Mexico is going to pay back every damn cent of what it costs to build that wall; plus interest. And it's gonna get ten feet taller for every year they wait. His inauguration was definitely attended by more people than any previous one. Also, we're gonna lock up Clinton and get way more blue-collar jobs. Trump cares about me. He cares about ALL of us. We're draining the swamp, here, is what we're doing. Plus, Betsy DeVos is, if anything, OVERqualified."

"Bro... You got a serious case of Sieg Denial."

by Kurisuchan January 23, 2017

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