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Completely and utterally amazing in every way possible. Beautiful, sweet, seductive, lovable, cuddly, caring, romantic, moody, silly, outgoing, doesn't care what others think of her, speaks her mind, stand up for herself and what she believes in, compassionate, truthful, honest, loyal, keeps your secrets, a rebel at times, still can act like a little kid, adorable, gorgeous, productive, breath-taking, intelligent, reliable, hard worker, comforter, a tease, religious, heavenly, pure, perfect, sensational, spontaneous, a goofball, God's most precious angel.
This girl can take your breath way the moment you lay eyes on her. She can be bitchy some days but even when she is it is completely adorable. She is the PERFECT girlfriend. She can always make you smile. She's the type of girl you would drop whatever you were doing to be with her. Words can not fully express this amazing angel.

If you are lucky enough to know a Siera Marie, then you are one of the luckiest and most privileged in the world. She is one you can fall in love with. She is one that melts your heart. If you are in a crowded room, she stands out enough the rest with her radiant beauty. Siera Marie is a one of a kind type of woman.

That Siera is such an angel

by emoles11 February 5, 2010

321πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


The girl of your dreams! Shes so pretty and you never ever want to lose her. She loves all her friends and shes very thoughtful. Shes very unique and sometimes she doubts herself even though shes an amazing person and she is gratifyingly beautiful

Hey Siera you're beautiful!
Thanks, friend!

by Beetiecooki October 25, 2019

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Girl Who Is Always There For You, When Your Crying Shes There Crying With You, She Has A Big Heart For Animals She Loves Her Bestfriends And Never Wants To Ever Lose Them, Shes Beautiful,Pretty,Kind,Sweet,Amazing, And Talented She Is Always There For Me When I need her I have a siera in my life and i never wanna lose her

I love siera she is such beauty!

by Her BestfriendForLife January 13, 2019

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Siera is the most sweetest girl you will ever meet, she puts her best friends before anyone. She is pretty,funny,sweet, and so much more. She seems shy but if you get to know her she is so wild. A siera will always be there for her best friends, if her best friend is crying she is right there crying with them. A siera is my best friend and I will never let her go. She is the most caring person you will ever meet. If you ever come across a siera keep her forever.

Do you see that siera over there, I heard she keeps her best friends so close to her and I heard she loves them so much

by London.S August 12, 2019

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


She is kind hearted funny and nice, there are no other words to describe how good her soul and heart is this isn’t about the nitro but this is about how she improved everyone’s day. :)

Siera is the best person I’ve ever met you need a girl like her in your life. :)

by Mxida March 21, 2021


A person who has a strong devotion to God and Jesus and who loves to read the Bible before bed. In their spare time, Sieras like to run naked through pastures filled with llamas. Sieras are basically amazing and hella gangsta.

"Damn you Jesus!" -Siera

by Vogel38 October 19, 2007

128πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž

siera lynn

the most nicest, coolest, original, and prettiest girl anyone will ever see. she always puts other people before herself because she is just that amazing. anyone would be missing out on a lot of things if they didn't get to know this girl. any guy could get along with her because she doesn't bitch... REPEAT: she doesn't bitch :O and she just got that adorable charm.

dam that siera lynn she took my boyfirend again.

by ben Perfetto July 19, 2009

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž