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Signal Mountain

To the surprise of many, Signal Mountain actually consists of the town of Signal Mtn. and Walden, and is located on what is known as Walden's Ridge.

Entertainment is more so in the historical landmarks than the town's lifestyle. These sites include The W road with its hairpin curves, the Conner Toll house, and Mabbitt Springs. We must not forget the well known Signal Point which holds magnificent views of the Tennessee River and Valley. In 1863, The Union Army used Signal Point to communicate to the Chattanooga area as well as Lookout Mtn. Just before you reach Signal Point you will pass what was once Signal Mtn. Inn (1913) that has been converted to Alexian Inn and built alongside Alexian Village; a now booming Tennessee Retirement Facility.

Signal Mountain is considered a rather Ritzy area of Chattanooga to most people. It is a one stoplight town with a reputation for a population of wealthy Republicans. Residents are rumored to be in talks of making it a privately gated town. More often referred to as 'Signal' with rather small population of church-every-sunday folks.

"You must be one of those know-everything Signal Mountain folks"

by Cybele August 6, 2008

26👍 13👎

Signal Mountain Tn

best mountain ever ! its on top of a large mountain 30 - 45 mintues from Cleveland, Tn . There is only 1 grocery store, and one middle/ high school called Signal Mountain Middle High . A lot of loud Northerns are drawn to this mountain, so beware. Softball is not very popular so they have to drive either 45 minutes to Cleveland or 45 to Rossville Georgia. Also this is where the sexiest people in town live.

Hey your sexy . Do you live on Signal Mountian Tn ?

Man we have to drive 45 mintues to get to softball practice . Why ? Cause we live on Signal Mountain Tn .

by carlybrice14 April 9, 2011

3👍 5👎

Signal Mountain Middle High School

Signal Mountain Middle High School is a Middle/High school located in Signal Mountain, Tennessee. More than 1350 are enrolled. 98% of the school consists of White Republican families that make over $200,000 in their household per year. To be considered decent by the school, you must have Social Media along with a fancy iPhone. The teachers have high expectations. They expect you to study for 9+ hours everyday. The teachers also make sure to give you lots of homework so you have to be locked up in your room studying instead of doing things you enjoy. If you have anything wrong with you, skin wise, looks wise, etc. they will make sure to destroy you will insults about it. No matter how much to try to make yourself decent, they will still insult you. If you are a decent person and not a social outcast, you will be welcomed.

Since my parents don't make $200,000 a year, I can't attend Signal Mountain Middle High School.

by AccurateDictionary December 8, 2017