People who are extremely stupid and incompetent, or have no idea what the hell they are saying. Just like the dog meme, except it's not fun, and people will suffer, or are suffering the consequences of their incompetence. Used mostly as a derogatory remark, or an adjective.
This category of people was first discovered by the world when Singapore's covid task force began lying through their teeth, blatantly spouting medical lies and committing medical fraud and ran out of ideas on who else to blame other than themselves.
Example 1
A: I think we can solve world hunger by making people eat their own shit!!! Genius amirite guise???
B: Oh wow!!! Such clever! You must be a Singapore expert!!!
Example 2
A: I think C might be a Singapore expert
B: Why would you say that?
C: I believe everything the government says if reality proves them wrong then reality is wrong! If the people is poisoned by the govt then it must be because it had to happen and it must be a good thing that my fellow people are being poisoned! I'm so patriotic!
A: Yep
Example 3
X: Yeah that's what you people who don't sell out your fellow people to your government are like. Low lives!
Y: Yeah whatever you f***ing Singapore expert!!!
Example 4
A: I don't get why Lawrence is the one in charge. He doesn't even know what his department is doing. How has he get that high up in rank when he's so incompetent?
B: That's a Singapore expert for you! Only the most useless and incompetent and corrupt goes to the top.