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to sing like a bird

A) To voluntarily confess your 'secular sins to the cops
B) for monotheists, to confess their religious sins, not actual legal crimes, duringg confession
C) to rat out other members of your criminal enterprise

If you are going sing like a bird definition c), you should probably cowboy up and go to jail , not get witness protection, since you don't want to sing like a bird, definition a) as well.

by Sexydimma December 8, 2015

9👍 4👎

Singing Bird

The name of the noise that is made when you stub your toe or smash your balls on a broad or sharp object.

*High pitched screech*

Oh man nice singing bird, your balls ok?

by PeckerWrecker69 April 9, 2018

Send thing let bird sing

To send sumthin for u dawgs then with out d small talk

Tom :Oo dawg u owah sum or

You: yhh send thing let bird sing nha

by Wassysassy May 3, 2021