Skeptical Science is a website that says to fight climate change skepticism and climate change denial, but nowadays it is a website that promotes neopositivism, militant atheism, militant scientism, militant debunkism and militant skepticism; it believes that conspiracy theories cannot happen despite the number of conspiracy theories that turned out to be true; it believes that all alleged fallacies are always fallacious despite that often alleged fallacies are not fallacious at all, but rather reasonable heuristics and the first step to deal with a complex problem, and it also often use of the own fallacies they claim people actually use in order to attack anyone who disagrees with neopositivism and militant atheism, and also calling anyone who disagrees with neopositivism and militant atheism "antiscience" and "denialist". Overall, it is basically a non-Wiki version of RationalWiki focused on fighting climate change skepticism and climate change denial, this website should change its name to "Skeptical Scientism" or "Skeptical Militant Scientism" to fit better what this website is actually about.
Skeptical Science is just like RationalWiki in form of a website focused on fighting climate change skepticism and climate change denial.
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