The equivalent of pissing shit out of your anus. For the everyday yuppie, it is more commonly known as diarrhea. For those who prefer more spice in their everyday chit-chat, it is known as the Hershey Squirts.
--Can be caused by consuming large amounts of fresh fruit or fruit juice.
Q: Why would fresh fruit cause the skitters?
A: Well, the juices found in fresh fruit contain sorbitol, which is a nondigestible kind of sugar. Large amounts of this sorbitol cause the body to attempt to dilute the sugar by bringing water from the bloodstream into the intestine. This causes your fecal matter to be more liquid in substance and form, which is in turn why one hears an interesting squishy noise when one accidently sharts. This is pretty much the reason prune juice is so flippin' awesome!
It is suggested that one's everyday diet does NOT NOT (uh-oh, a double negative) NOT (*fixed) consist entirely of fresh fruit or fruit juice.
I 'et too menny peaches and now I've got teh skitters!
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A substance that seens to be on the walls of every fucking public toilet I go into.
Ethan: "Don't go into thon toilet, she's a
bad job."
Daniel: "Sure it can't be that bad."
*Daniel enters toilet *
Daniel: *Gags* "Oh Jaysus, there's skitter
every road."
20π 3π
1) to have the shits
2) a cheeky child
piss off you wee skitter, I've got the skitters!
77π 30π
to move around rapidly,to scurry or scamper
The Kitten skittered about as it batted at the paper ball. (example of skitter)
37π 13π
To slide in an uncontroled way, usually as the result of an accident. Often, but not always used with reference to an inanimate object.
A small object accidentally kicked whle resting on a tiled floor might 'skitter' across the tiles.
Supposedly from skite, itself derived from old norse skjΓ³ta meaning shoot, as opposed to the other skite derived from skΓta meaning shite. (Hence it's other common meaning!)
The hub-cap slid and skittered across the cobbled street, and disapeared through the broken storm drain grating.
21π 15π
the past tense form of skitter or "to skit." basically, a dumb ass word rednecks made up to describe when you've got to hurry off somewhere fast and unseen. like when you're crouching and sneaking around, but super fast. usually used when talking about bugs or rabbits or small shit like that. a close synonym would be like scurry.
"My dad told me to get my shot gun to scare the tweakers off, but when I opened the door, they all skittered away like cockroaches. fuckin 'a man."
"I lit my cig in the back yard, and taught I taw a putty cat, but the flame make it skit on down the road."
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