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A skore is a skater whore. The combination of the words skater and whore. It's a woman who usually hangs around skate parks looking to have sex with skaters.

Tyler: We can't skate with all the skores today.

Andre: Let's come back another day.

Christina: Hey boys. Wanna have some fun? ;)

by HawaiianPunch1 November 28, 2022



"Did you see her skirt? Her ass was hanging out."
"I know, what a Skore."

by Poquoson757 October 17, 2012


verb. /SkΒ·OR/

1.) the act of being a skank and a whore consecutively.
2.) a girl that allows a boy to "score" due to her promiscuous tendencies.

Girl #1: God. that girl is sleeping with 4 different guys.
Girl #2: Damn. Shel is a skore

by ohmymichelle March 17, 2010

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The skank whore that's fucking your man

Is that the skore I saw your man with last night?

by Tigerlylie July 24, 2011

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When you hook up with a skank and a whore, you skore.

Friend: How was last night man
You: It was great, I skored
Friend: OH! You skored, you dirty bastard!

by Mark F1111 November 30, 2010

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One who spends a large amount of time on Skype "whoring" around especially in activities of a perverted nature. Combination of Skype + Whore. Meant in loving/joking manner.

See also: Twore, Emore

We skores had a virtual orgy on Skype last night.

by PooBubbleClub August 24, 2009

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manipulating, controlling, obsessive girlfriend who doesn't like her boyfriend to have any other friends.

girl :"you talked to a GIRL last night?! thats worse then when you spoke to that GUY last week, you know, your brother "

guy: "stop being such a skore!"

by fflobberythol July 11, 2008

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