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Skull Candy

An awesome set of headphones. They feature an in ear design that allows you to experience music on a whole new level. They also have tiny skulls on the outside of the headphone and come in a lot of different colors. Their only con is that they are quite expensive.

Bob purchases a pair of skull candy earphones and plugs them into his ipod. He listens to a few songs and is able to fully realize Joel Maddens vocal abilities.
Two hours later....
Bobs mom- "Bob! What are you doing?!"
Bob- "Burning all my Good Charlotte albums".

by Music_Police January 8, 2008

166👍 90👎

Skull Candy

A new brand of headphones with great sound quality and unique designs on them. They are sold in bud form or over the head form with names like Skull Crushers, G.I.'s, and Low Riders.

John bought those new Skull candy headphones and now you can't even talk to him.

by Chunkies October 26, 2008

71👍 47👎

Skull Candy

The act of fellating a man's sexual organ with your mouth(s).

Dude: Hey bitch gimme some skull candy!

Ho: What the flip do you mean?

Dude: I mean suck my flipping cock bitch.

Ho: Oh, right ok, yeah defo.

Dude: Sweeeeet.

by Skull Candy King November 28, 2009

20👍 53👎

Skull candy

The name of a brand of headphones that have amazing sound and seem to melt your brain. However, just pray they don't brak because Skull candy customer service leaves a lot to be desired.
They tend to break quite easily too, especailly around the jack, which causes ONE bud to lose sound.
Other than that, they rock.

Skull candy

by AcidBites February 14, 2011

47👍 27👎

skull candy

One of the best headphone brands out there.

Bob:Man I sure could use a pair of headphones that don't give me that tin-like quality.
Smart guy: Here, you need Skull candy!

by The_Dude_Man November 28, 2006

93👍 74👎

skull candy

Euphemism for blow job.

It was my birthday last night so I had my old lady whip some skull candy on me.

by .BEASTIEBOY June 20, 2013

10👍 24👎

skull candy

any stylish adornment of one's head (eg headphones, earrings, hairbands, scrunchies, skull spikes, etc.)

skullcandy may be a company that makes outrageously coloured headphones, but who gives them the exclusive right to the term skull candy? I define my beaded headband as skull candy and fuck anyone who says differently!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada November 11, 2010

11👍 37👎